Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Oh yeah, Baby Chickens!

Addi and Sam got to play with some baby chickens last Sunday. Addi was a natural, as she is with any kind of bug, worm, or ant. Sam however, does not have the same caring charactersitcs as his sister. Once he stopped to observe a worm on the sidewalk. He examined it closely, poked it, and then said, "Hm..." and quickly stood up and stomped it with his cute yellow rainboot. It was as if to say, "Hm, Life, I will snuff it out" (as Jeremy so perfectly noted).
Well, back to the chicken story. Addi was sweetly picking up the chicks and allowing them to snuggle on her legs, as Sam stayed at a safe distance away from the little yellow devils. One of them got brave and waddled over to stand on his shoe. As soon as Sam realized it he came running over to me and held out his tainted shoe, crying for me to take it off. I of course told him "No we aren't taking off our shoes," and then a moment later took them off. As soon as I did, he picked up the shoe that the chick had stood on and chucked at the baby chick! How mean spirited and halarious! It must be that he is turning 2 on Saturday and is feeling all sorts of male shinanigans rising up with in him.

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